Reading Festival
Purpose - The purpose of the graphic design for Reading Festival is to draw peoples attention to the poster which is why the colours stand out and go well together like the red background with some of the text in red with the text in black being bold and displaying the most important information. The purpose of making the poster is to catch peoples eye so they can read who is going to be playing to interest them into buying a ticket to go.
Format - The third graphic piece is a poster for Reading Fest with useful information to the reader like who is going to be playing which doesn't need any pictures displayed as hundreds of thousands have been over the years and know what it's like or know somebody who has been and they know what it's like with lots of promotional videos all over the internet when you search the name. The poster can be printed out thousands of times and handed out in a variety of places like to the people in Sheffield, stuck on lampposts and buildings or handed to colleges for them to give out to students. The logo is very simple and easy with just the name as the logo and the year displayed under it.
Content / Style - The posters colour is very eye catching which is useful to getting people to pick one up to find out more information. The poster is simple but effective with the information being displayed clearly for the reader to look at with the logo, when the festival is and where it is at the top of the poster in yellow with the yellow standing out a lot against the red. The most important information on the page is shown in yellow just like the yellow box under the acts which gives the reader a website where they can get tickets and a telephone number where they have used red text over the yellow box because of the contrast and how much it stands out. Linking back to the poster being simple the acts are in columns with the date at the top and then listing some of the biggest acts performing on that day/stage which is important because some people will only come down for 1 or 2 days instead of 3 which makes them have to choose between days with certain acts. The list of sponsors of the event are located at the bottom of the page which is also important as they helped put the festival together. There is also an arrow pattern going through the poster which gives it more of an effect and adds style to it instead of just a red poster but they're subtle about it by putting it in the background but in a different shade of red.
The target audience for reading festival is mostly aimed at ages 15-25 with the majority people who go being males with it being 65% male and 35% females. There are a lot of 18 year olds and over who attend the event as they can legally drink and visit all the bars to get served where they can have a drink then watch one of there favourite bands or singers perform on stage. The event is aimed at social grade ABC1 with people being able to select how many days they actually come for or even come for the full weekend as it isn't much money to some people who attend.
Regulatory Bodies - There are no adverts which could cause any offence apart from pictures of fans which they may not have given consent with most of the pictures containing just people but there are a few with drinks in there hands. Many of the adverts are not aimed at kids with most products being sold for adults like alcohol. The event doesn't promote anything other than alcohol drinking for over 18s.
Purpose - The purpose of both the tramlines website and logo is not only to inform and advertise but for people to recognise the logo and associate it with music putting some big bands on stage to perform for the fans of not only the bands but the festival too. The website informs the user of each detail of the event. The poster just gives key information which is there to be colour and bold to attract people to want to find out more with the website link on there in bold letters which people can see and easily check out.
Format - The format of the poster is simple but yet very informative with key information it like dates, lineups, prices and especially the website which is encourages you to go onto because you can purchase your ticket on there with the poster displaying clearly that there isn't just one day it is spread over three days which can be visited by the fan depending on which days the bands are playing on which can be found on the website because the poster just gives the information of which band is playing but the website will tell them which day if they can afford to go all weekend and just want to see there favourite band or a band on a certain day.
The format of the website is for people who have followed up from what they've heard about the event from people talking about it or what they've seen from a poster and want to find out more about social media pages like the tramlines Facebook or Twitter account which are constantly updating fans of the events of any changes, new acts and more. Everything on the website is laid out clearly so the user can navigate to find what they're looking for like the "buy tickets" in a big green box which you couldn't miss.
Content - The content of the poster contains key information like the price which has an advance ticket offer for people who get there tickets online or buy them before the day of the actual event. The logo is on the poster so people can associate with the logo and link it to the "tramlines festival". They have included some of the biggest bands which they gave playing to try and attract a lot of people to make the festival a sell out or get as many as they can to go. There is also the dates of the event on the poster which is useful for people to know so they don't make plans or find out whether they can make it. There is also the website link where the user can go on from there mobile phone, tablet or computer to buy tickets and find out even more.
The content of the website contains links to tramlines social media accounts which get the event hyped, talked about and people interested by tweeting, posting and sharing pictures and news updates. The website provides a lot of information you wouldn't think about but is important and useful to know like a weather forecast which is spread over three days which the event is on so you know whether it's going to be raining heavily. There is also a countdown which lets you see how long it is till the event "84 Days & nights to go". You can see the dates of the event and the full line up of the bands for each day with the spinors and partners on the website who have helped put the event together. There are a variety of pages which you can look at like how to get there, news, venues, where to stay and buy tickets with a banner showing the headlining bands playing which are big news.
Style - The style of the website is very colourful with the information in bright colours with key information being highlighted to catch the readers attention. The basic structure allows the user not to get lost and look at all the information presented to them because its not all in big paragraphs but short paragraphs.
The style of the poster is very simple with no fancy patterns just as simple red background with just words over the top with the only pattern being a "ticket" style with information of ticket prices over the top which effectively stands out and catches your eye especially the blue and white text against the background.
The layout of the tramlines is basic with all the important information located at the top in very contrasting colours and bright compared to the background with it containing the logo at the top left with dates, boxes which the user can click to "buy tickets" or "full lineup. There is also a countdown located at the top of the page just under the menu which can be clicked to go to pages like staying here, getting here, information and more. There is a banner which switches to show you some of the biggest artists who are playing, there is also a list of the lineups which are located towards the middle of the page. At the bottom of the page there is some useful information in columns with information like the latest news, mailing lists, feeds, weather predicted on the day, social media, sponsors and partners.
The layout of the poster is simple with the logo and ticket price located at the top which is one of the first things someone who looks at it will see. Under the logo and tickets prices are a list of some of the biggest artists who will be playing with the biggest artists in a big font then artists who aren't as big in a smaller font under the biggest which keeps going on towards the bottom with the artists are the bottom in a small font but filling out the space. At the bottom of the poster in a big font is the date of the event and the tramlines poster.
The target audience for tramlines is aimed at ages 15-30 year olds with 18 year olds being able to go into the bar to get alcholhic drinks. There are more males than females who attend tramlines with 60% males and 40% females. The event is aimed at social grade ABC1 with the event being quite cheap to see all the big artists who perform but you can just buy a day pass if you don't want a weekend pass.
T in the park
Purpose - The purpose of the T in the park website is to give more information on the event to people who may have heard about it or seen an advertisement about it where they can see pictures, line-ups, tickets and more. When looking on the website the user can find any latest news like big artists who have been announced to offers what t in the park have to make it cheaper for people so that more people can actually attend the event.
The purpose of the poster is to get people interested and want people to pick up the poster to have a look which is done by how the poster is layer out and the different colours which have been used. The logo of t in the park is on the poster which is for people to recognise the event whenever they see it and relate the event to music and an event who have some of the biggest acts playing. Once the poster has interested the reader the website link to t in the park’s site is on there so they can visit and find out prices and maybe even buy a ticket.
Format - The format of the website is easy to use with everything important being located at the top of the website like the sponsor which is a coach company which is partnered up with the event to help people get from all over the country to the event itself. There is also the logo which is located at the top with the location and dates at the side of it which are useful for people to know straight away the date and where it actually is with social media links located next to the date and location so people interested can see pictures and videos from last years, hear any news and updates and see tweets or posts from other people who have already been to the event giving there opinion. Towards the top is the menu which has links to different pages like lineups, tickets, info, explore, news and more. There is a banner which is located under the different page links which displays a video of the whole area so you can see where different tents and camping sites are located and bands which have just signed up to play at t in the park which may attract new customers.
The format of the poster is easily layer out for the reader with all the important information being big bold and key which the readers eyes are drawn to straight away like the big pictures of the event going all down the right hand side of the poster from the top to the bottom. At the top of the poster is all the key information like the logo of the event, where you can get tickets from with a website link or a phone number to ring up and there is also the location of the event and the date. In the middle of the poster to near the bottom is a list of the different artists playing which is split into three days friday,saturday and sunday in case you only want to come for a day or two. At the bottom of the poster is a promotional offer which is trying to sell the new tent which they have on offer at the event with all the sponsors located under that.
The format of the poster is easily layer out for the reader with all the important information being big bold and key which the readers eyes are drawn to straight away like the big pictures of the event going all down the right hand side of the poster from the top to the bottom. At the top of the poster is all the key information like the logo of the event, where you can get tickets from with a website link or a phone number to ring up and there is also the location of the event and the date. In the middle of the poster to near the bottom is a list of the different artists playing which is split into three days friday,saturday and sunday in case you only want to come for a day or two. At the bottom of the poster is a promotional offer which is trying to sell the new tent which they have on offer at the event with all the sponsors located under that.
Content - The content of the website contains a lot of information about the event and especially how to get there with big green coaches being there sponsors and city link where you can book with them cheap to get down to the event and back again. On the website you can sign up for email alerts which allows t in the park to email you which could have special offers, new artists and more. The website has a lot of useful information which helps you with the event like the essential guide page which will tell you everything you may need to bring with you depending on how many days you're actually staying at the event for and there is information about what if it rains or what if it doesn't. Next to the essential guide page is the contact us where you can email or ring up if you have any questions with there being a FAQ page with a lot of questions which has already been asked by people who are going or have already gone in the past. There are a lot of different pages containing different information for different people like there is a page for information about disabled access which makes it easier for people to get in who has any disabilities with other page containing information like history, terms and conditions, coach travel and vip.
Content - The content of the poster contains a lot of important information which will be useful for making the reader want to find out more with there being pictures of the event which are there to interest the reader and for them to put there self in the shoes and imagine if they was actually there with social media links. There are also a list of some of the biggest artists performing at the festival with the biggest names being in a bigger font which tells you what day they're actually playing where you will have to access the website to find out more information about more bands/ artists which are playing. There is the logo on the poster which people will look and know its a t in the park logo and event with there also being another link on the poster to a ticket master website which they use to also sell tickets which has a phone number with the text "Last few tickets remaining" which makes the reader want to hurry and buy a ticket because they don't want to miss out. There is also the location of the event and the date which allows the reader to know whether they have any plans or going away for that time or if they can even make there way down to that location for the event with a list of sponsors on the bottom of the poster who make the event happen or supply things for the event like drinks, food and more.
Content - The content of the poster contains a lot of important information which will be useful for making the reader want to find out more with there being pictures of the event which are there to interest the reader and for them to put there self in the shoes and imagine if they was actually there with social media links. There are also a list of some of the biggest artists performing at the festival with the biggest names being in a bigger font which tells you what day they're actually playing where you will have to access the website to find out more information about more bands/ artists which are playing. There is the logo on the poster which people will look and know its a t in the park logo and event with there also being another link on the poster to a ticket master website which they use to also sell tickets which has a phone number with the text "Last few tickets remaining" which makes the reader want to hurry and buy a ticket because they don't want to miss out. There is also the location of the event and the date which allows the reader to know whether they have any plans or going away for that time or if they can even make there way down to that location for the event with a list of sponsors on the bottom of the poster who make the event happen or supply things for the event like drinks, food and more.
Style - The style of both the website and poster remain the same with the light blue which looks effective and draws the readers eye to the colour which helps attract potential customers. The yellow, red and white contrast against the light blue making them stand out which are useful to put key information there to draw the reader to that particular part of information.
The layout of the website is very basic but effective with everything the user could need being right at the top without them having to scroll down and all over the place. At the top of the website is the logo which can be recognised with there being dates, locations, social media accounts for the event, spinors and more. There is the navigation bar at the top which allows the user to navigate through the different pages depending on what they're looking for like "buy tickets" page where they can decide how many tickets they want, how many days and the prices. In the middle of the website is a promotional banner which is offering a special price for buying a weekend tickets with news about new bands which have been announced appearing just below that. At the bottom of the website is the partners who helped put the event together to make everything happen.
The target audience of T in the park is aimed at ages 15-26 with the majority of people attending the event being males with 55% males and 45% females. There are a lot of younger people but mostly over 18s who can buy drinks and watch the gigs. The event is aimed at social grade ABC1C2 as you as the customer can choose which day you want to go either be for a day or a weekend depending on which artists are playing on which day.